Home Page arrow Top Player Lists arrow 2009 arrow April 2009

Top Women April 2009

1Zatonskih, Anna (12873912)NYUSA2503
2Krush, Irina (12543137)NYUSA2496
3Goletiani, Rusudan (12807449)NYUSA2437
4Foisor, Sabina-Francesca (14012260)MDUSA2404
5Baginskaite, Camilla (12716466)CAUSA2350
6Rohonyan, Katerine (12973020)WAUSA2331
7Melekhina, Alisa (12726115)PAUSA2322
8Abrahamyan, Tatev (12851435)CAUSA2316
9Zenyuk, Iryna (12846035)NYUSA2315
10Tuvshintugs, Batchimeg (12925481)CAUSA2304
11Shahade, Jennifer (20058274)PAUSA2301
12Battsetseg, Tsagaan (12719650)MDUSA2256
13Epstein, Esther (12515912)MAUSA2209
14Marinello, Beatriz (12537449)NYUSA2200
15Marshall, Abby (12784803)VAUSA2161
16Airapetian, Chouchanik (12629918)WAUSA2135
17Vayserberg, Tatiana (12864285)WIUSA2118
18Eynullayeva, Roza (12817693)MAUSA2109
19Vicary, Elizabeth (12477355)NYUSA2100
Sagalchik, Olga (12565069)NYUSA2100
21Jamison, Courtney (12746751)TXUSA2073
22Dai, Yang (12897613)VAUSA2071
23Itkis, Hana (12667543)NJUSA2061
24West, Vanessa A (12744619)CAUSA2056
25Levina, Anna (12660143)NYUSA2052
26Kats, Alena (12980885)NYUSA2025
27Mcvay, Karsten A (12744370)NJUSA2020
28Teasley, Dorothy (10074258)NYUSA2014
29Parrilla, Medina (12782436)NYUSA2004
30Mateer, Amanda Rae (12752032)AZUSA2002
31Root, Alexey Wilhelmina (10374651)TXUSA2000
32Matlin, Anna R (12876169)NJUSA1991
33Liu, Jennie S (12830124)NJUSA1990
34Ben-Dak, Shirley (12635116)NYUSA1984
35Robinson, Darrian (12925651)NYUSA1977
36Chiang, Sarah (13091081)TXUSA1972
37Datta, Anjali (12783131)TXUSA1966
38Kerr, Julia K (12696374)TXUSA1965
39Weiss, Annie (12590952)NYUSA1962
40Livschitz, Louiza (12680221)CAUSA1956
41Sobel, Simone (12607573)CAUSA1953
42Yang, Sylvia Siyuan (12909161)TXUSA1951
43Skidmore, Jennifer M (12457851)MIUSA1948
44Haring, Ruth Inez (10383242)CAUSA1931
45Acon, Jennifer C (13313093)CAUSA1930
46Litvak, Eve V (12799901)NJUSA1925
47Lee, Megan (12902833)WAUSA1915
48Kennedy, Shernaz (11322000)NYUSA1910
49Rodriguez, Eunice (12691412)FLUSA1908
50Maffeo, Nicole (12808137)NYUSA1903
51Ruggiero, Pamela F (11025625)INUSA1900
52Ballantyne, Rochelle (13104890)NYUSA1893
53Zhu, Caroline (12888833)TXUSA1891
54Faerman, Lily (12566295)NYUSA1887
55Diaz, Linda V (12908194)NYUSA1881
56Dapul-Weberman, Sarah (12723205)NYUSA1877
Jones, Julia E (12811694)TXUSA1877
58Carter, Ashley (12862296)MIUSA1874
59Christiansen, Natasha C (11366805)MAUSA1865
60Niemi, Nicole (12640884)WIUSA1861
61Katz, Alanna (12621290)NYUSA1859
62Xiang, Ellen (21029572)TXUSA1849
63Lam, Fiona V (12963876)MDUSA1848
64Dulger, Elena V (12840000)UTUSA1847
65O'Neill, Julie Anne (10457262)TXUSA1842
66Sechriest, Ermenia (12590938)TXUSA1836
Ginzburg, Anna (12758604)NYUSA1836
68Lopez, Vanessa (12546103)TXUSA1835
69Mirchandani, Rita (12864067)FLUSA1828
70Zhurbinskiy, Eve D (12878963)NJUSA1827
71Ferguson, Tamara (12778340)PAUSA1826
72Huang, Becky (12932148)CAUSA1824
73Eynullayeva, Elnara (12817692)MAUSA1820
74Zelner, Catherine (12568602)FLUSA1816
75Pierson, Emma (12926393)VAUSA1814
76Grant, Jasmine (13035090)NYUSA1812
77Gasser, Katharine B (10010411)MAUSA1810
78Narducci, Alicia Y (12793253)CAUSA1807
79Liu, Rebekah (12933645)CAUSA1806
80Carson, Anthea J (12614322)COUSA1805
Francis, Emily (12800537)GAUSA1805
82Valenzuela, Josephine (21001000)CAUSA1801
83Mc Gruder, Colette (10430348)CAUSA1800
Taylor, Liz (12641877)OHUSA1800
Wheeless, Amelia A (12806981)NCUSA1800
86Flewelling, Heather (12605124)MIUSA1798
87Ballom, Stephanie (12757909)TXUSA1789
88Goodkind, Barbara (12778604)CAUSA1782
89Liao, Simone (13228302)CAUSA1781
90Alarie, Donna (12447542)MAUSA1779
Peters, Epiphany M (12937939)MIUSA1779
92Martin, Jessica E (12509709)NCUSA1775
93Catania, Hannelore J (10313147)UTUSA1774
94Bohannon, Angel (12782586)TXUSA1771
95Chen, Michelle Xueying (12918779)MAUSA1761
96Pierce, Beth (12558158)SCUSA1754
97Deolalikar, Nisha (12760636)CAUSA1749
98Kay, Gabriella (12669829)CAUSA1748
Kulkarni, Sukhada Nitin (13277014)OHUSA1748
100Chen, Janice S (12756646)UTUSA1744
These Top 100 lists are updated every month by the United States Chess Federation. As of the June 2014 list, ages will be as of the first day of the month in which those ratings become official. For example, ages for the December lists will be as of December 1. (For Top 100 lists prior to June 2014, ages are as of the first day of the previous month.)

Ratings shown are the official US Chess ratings for the month indicated, which are generated on the third Wednesday of the month before they become official. Only current US Chess members with established ratings and ratings activity in the last year are shown. Please contact us if you have questions about these lists.
